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李书福  Li shufu

Chairman of Volvo Car Corporation


Founder and Chairman of Geely Holding Group

教育程度 :



Bachelor’s degree in Management Engineering from Harbin University of Science and Technology; Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Yanshan University.


李书福先生1963年出生于浙江省台州市, 哈尔滨理工大学管理工程本科毕业, 并获燕山大学机械工程硕士学位、高级经济师职称, 同时担任中国汽车工业协会副会长、中国民办教育协会副会长、全国政协委员等职务。

Mr Li Shufu was born in 1963 in Taizhou Zhejiang province. He graduated from Harbin University of Science and Technology with a bachelor’s degree in Management Engineering as well as a PHD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Yanshan University. He is a Senior Economist, Vice Chairman of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), Vice Chairman of the Chinese Non-government Education Association, and member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference .

1986年, 李书福先生以制造冰箱及冰箱零配件开始创业历程,随后1993年进入摩托车制造业并于1997年进入汽车制造业。20多年来, 李书福先生对发展中国汽车工业倾注了全部至诚至爱之心, 其创办的吉利控股集团是中国成长最快的民营汽车企业。

Mr Li started his business from fridge and fridge parts manufacturing in 1986 and then into the motorcycle manufacturing in 1993. In1997, he entered into the auto manufacturing industry. It has been more than two decades that Mr. has been fully devoted himself to the development of Chinese auto industry and education cause. Geely Holding Group, founded by Mr Li, is the fastest growing private auto company in China.

在李书福先生的领导下, 吉利集团多年来坚持走自主创新的道路, 在中国汽车行业率先取得发动机、变速箱等核心技术领域的重大突破。在战略转型的基础上, 吉利集团开发出一系列受到市场欢迎的自主品牌汽车, 并逐渐走向国际市场。2010年3月28日, 吉利控股集团和福特汽车公司签署股权收购协议, 收购沃尔沃轿车公司100%的股权, 并购于2010年8月2日完成。

Under Mr Li’s leadership, for many years Geely has been insisting on independent innovation. There have been many great core-technology breakthroughs for engine and transmission manufacturing. With the help of strategic transformation, Geely has developed a series of independently owned brands which are well embraced by the market and enter into the international market step by step. On Mar 28, 2010, Geely Holding Group and Ford signed the acquisition agreement which indicated 100% of the Volvo shareholding will be acquired by Geely and the deal was closed on Aug 2, 2010.

李书福先生曾先后获得各种奖项, 包括中国十大民营企业家、中国汽车工业杰出人物、中国十大慈善家和2009 CCTV中国经济年度人物等荣誉。

Mr. Li has been recognized as “Top 10 Private Entrepreneurs in China”, “Outstanding Figures in Chinese Automotive Industry”, “Top 10 Philanthropists in China”, and “2009 CCTV Annual Economic Figure” etc.